Monday, April 14, 2008

Rain and Taxes!

Man the weather sure can change fast here. 80 degrees Saturday - cold/rainy today. Definitely spring time in the Northwest.

Have you done your taxes yet? I just filed mine - joy-o-joy! Yup - I owed the government this year - I paid with my credit card though so I could at least get some miles for it! I would have broke even but I didn't get the Child Credit this year because L turned 17 in 2007 - Now explain this to me - The government says you are responsible for your child until they turn 18 yet you lose the Child Credit when they turn 17 - hmmm guess it's government logic - something we're not supposed to question or understand. I think I may be one of those "bitter" people that Obama commented about over the weekend! Taxes going up - gas going up - groceries going up - no relief in sight - you tell me - do we have a reason to be bitter! I think so!!

So L is still playing her game that she does when I have asked her to do something - when I got home from work I could tell she had been here - tell tell smell of something having been cooked in the mocrowave - but she was nowhere to be seen. Hmmm - no note, no text, no call. Don't know where she is or who she's with. 26 days - 5 hours - 50 minutes until she is officially 18!


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