Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just A Day

So I was home today from work. Woke up with one of those headaches where light hurts your eyes and makes the headache worse. I emailed work - took Muppet out to pee - went back to bed. I ended up sleeping until 230 pm. Woke up feeling better so hopefully it was one of those things that just needed my body to rest n order for it to finish fighting it off. I have been feeling like my body has been trying to come down with something for about 3 weeks now. Have you ever felt like that - it's almost like you want to tell your body -get sick already - it would probably take less time to just get sick and be done with it than to feel like you are constantly fighting it so your always just a little off.

Tonight when I took Muppet outside it was just starting to sprinkle and the air was so crisp and smelled so clean it was wonderful. I closed my eyes and just took it all in - the smell, the touch - the sounds. I wish I had a talent for writing poetry or songs - I would write about how the rain just barely touched my face it was sprinkling so lightly and how I could hear the birds chirping off in the distance and the smell of the rain was cold-clear-crisp that in my mind I was in the woods - it was all very comforting and soothing. I think I need a vacation.


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