Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Giving Up Sugar

I was lazy last night so I didn't blog - I was out in the living room and my laptop was in my bedroom - I just didn't have the energy to walk the 20 or so steps to get it!! I know - how pathetic!

I have admitted to myself that I am addicted to sugar - the first step is admitting you have a problem. So yesterday was my first day trying to go cold turkey and not eat any processed sugar products. This may have contributed to my laziness. I felt good for awhile but then I just crashed energy wise. I think maybe I need to add walks in to the mix because I have heard that can give you an energy boost. Today is day 2 of the sugar detox process - i brought in strawberries, grapes, and carrots to snack on throughout the day. Hopefully this keeps the cravings for a huge chocolate bar at bay. I did have a small slip up this morning - I went to Starbucks with my usual group this morning and got my hot chocolate - which I usually get non-fat and only 2 pumps of chocolate instead of the 5 it usually comes with - but the Barista messed up my order and put all 5 pumps in and it tasted so nasty and upset my stomach really bad - so I'm not sure it can be counted as a major slip up because I don't think the sugar was in my system all that long! Eww! I have heard that sugar withdrawals can be worse than caffeine withdrawals - I hope I don't get headaches and really cranky - life should be fun and I will keep you posted!

Oh - check back tonight as I hope to blog and add a picture of something I found on a chair when I got home last night. Ooooh - are you intrigued!


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