Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pilates - OMG!

So on Saturday I was a little bored with what was on TV and I was doing some channel surfing. In doing so I came across Fitness On Demand. This is a group of fitness "videos" TV programs available through comcast that you can watch whenever you want. I thought - hmmm - maybe I'll give this Pilate's stuff a try. Everyone is talking about it and saying how great it is. I found a 10 minute Pilate's Ab workout for beginners that sounded "easy" - I mean 10 minutes how hard could it be! Oh - how foolish I can be! It was pretty much one giant crunch for 10 minutes!! Some moving of legs and arms but pretty much a giant crunch! I made it through though and thought - well that wasn't so bad. That was until Monday morning - OMG - my tummy muscles hurt so bad!! It even hurts when I take a deep breath! Still today too! I told Matt that I will never do that again - he said as opposed to doing it again and building up my strength - well the guy has a point there - I haven't tried it again yet though - I'm afraid I may not be able to get out of bed! Maybe I should start out with something a little easier - like beginning yoga to center your chi. Yeah - that sounds better. I'll let you know how it goes. See ya On Demand!!


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