Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Being a Girl Sucks

Let me just say that being a girl sucks! I needed to make an appt with my regular doc so I could get refills on my prescriptions - when I called yesterday they said - oh looks like you are due for a physical and we just happen to have a cancellation for Wednesday at 1030! OK Fine - I will take that appt. The appt doesn't start out very well as my blood pressure was up because i was stressed out and the first question was how long has it been since your last physical - uh . . . . hmm. . . . . . . . . . .5 years! Not a great answer. Next come the other questions about other exams girls have to do - uh nope - haven't done that either - and thanks to Mom's genetics - nope haven't done that one either. Looks like the next month is going to be spent going to doctor appts. My doc already faxed the referral form to the gastroenterologist (sp?) so I have to cal and make that appt - she's faxed the blood work request to the lab so I have to drop by there and have my blood taken. More fun than one person should be allowed to have! Now if I were a guy it would have just been the one visit and a see you next year. I swear - when I die I am coming back as a guy!

Day 2 of no sugary snacks - I am going crazy - I just want a cookie or a candy bar - what's weird is I am sure I have gone days before without having had candy - but now that I "can't" have any it's all I can think about.

Not much else to blog about today - kinda boring - kinda tired from stressing about going to the doc - I just got done watching Big Brother and the final 2 in the house are the annoying boys - blah.......I guess I will root for Ryan because Adam's buggy eyes and his lying in the house drove me crazy.

Just switched to ANTM - a few weeks ago my fav got voted out and now this week my new fav is in the bottom two - is she going home too!!! The answer is no!!!!!!! Yay - Whitney is still here and Lauren is out of here! That's great because it was so time for her to go.

OMG! Muppet has bad gas tonight! It is silent but deadly - I'm not sure I want her sleeping in my room tonight!

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