Wednesday, April 16, 2008


At lunch today we got on the topic of Hostess items. We got there by discussing how we thought croutons were made - stay with me here! - I said they were toasted/baked and BJ said they were fried - then he said wouldn't it be great if they were breaded and then fried! We then started talking about all the fried things that we had tasted and I asked if anyone had ever had a fried Twinkies - which in my opinion was absolutely disgusting - and David said he thought Twinkies were disgusting anyways. Huh?!?! What?!?! Making disparaging remarks about one of the best snack foods ever made! How can you not like a golden cake filled with creamy insides!! I think my sister's Day Camp Aide name was Twinkie - but that's a whole nother story! Back to snack foods - I then said I liked Ho-Hos because you can peel off the chocolate and eat that and then unroll the cake and eat the cream filling and last but not least eat the cake! They all just kind of looked at me weird - I don't think I have ever just eaten a Ho-Ho without peeling it apart. I do the same with Ding Dongs and Snowballs. Twinkies were hard to pull apart so I would just bite of one end, suck out the filling and then eat the leftover cake.

I don't think I am the only one who does this. So - comment me and let me know how you eat your hostess or any other snack food you think of! Such as - how do you eat an Oreo? Me - twist apart - lick the creamy center - then eat the cookies!
I'm hungry now - gotta stop at the grocery store on my way home from work!


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