Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Qtr End - Yay!

Gotta love Qtr End - I am so glad it only happens 4 times a year! Got in to work at 7 am today and left at 7 pm - 12 hours no lunch break - but I got all of my AdSpend downloads done on day 1!!!!! This means I shouldn't have to do extra weird calculations to get final numbers for the quarter!! So far I am on a good track to hit my deadlines so I shouldn't have to put in too much time on Friday 7/4 - yup, gotta work on the 4th - why is it that all the long weekends fall during either a Qtr end or a month end.

First thing this morning - well at 9am which is first thing for most of the people I work with - I got to have a performance meeting with the gal that reports to me. Fun Fun Fun! At least she didn't start crying, which is what usually happens whenever I have to meet with her. I made it very clear that her attitude does not fit in with the company's stated values - I told her that if she gets up in the morning and is happy to come to work and likes her job than great we want her here but if she gets up and hates to come in because she hates what she's doing then maybe it's time for her to make a change - either within the company or outside the company. Then game the discussion that during Qtr End there is no my job your job - we all work together to get financials closed on time - so it is expected that everyone will stay late to get things done - her main job is expense reports so I told her she needed to stay late to make sure she got everything in she had received - yeah that went in one ear and out the other because as soon as that clock hit 5 she was outta there. At least Matt is on my side and agrees with everything I said to her. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

No word from L today so things must be going better back in North Carolina. When I spoke with her yesterday I told her not to let Randi ruin her vacation and she said she wouldn't. Hopefully no word means everything is going well.

I am going to head to bed here soon - I want to get to work early again tomorrow to make sure I stay on track with my deadlines.


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