Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Yesterday's blog got Jason riled up about cyclists - he couldn't put all his feelings in a comment so he added a posting to his blog about it! He usually posts stories about his kids - his oldest Austin is a character so if you need a good chuckle go to his blog.

Putbory - she sits next to me at work - has a differing opinion regarding the new .20 tax on grocery bags - she also blogs so if you want to read what she thinks head on over to Putbory.com.

I have purchased a domain! If you have trouble remember the path to this blog the new domain name is much easier to remember and will still get you to this page. Just type in www.wazzudb.com . Working for an Internet company has really paid off! Eventually I hope to enhance this blog with more bells and whistles - I purchased a book - yeah I know surprise surprise! The book is called Web Design for Dummies - who knows - maybe I have found a new calling!

My cell contract with Sprint is finally up on 9/1/08!! I would love to know which carrier you use and whether or not you're happy with them. If I decide to get another family plan with L I definitely need to go with one that has unlimited calling as she constantly goes over on the minutes. I know my sister has AT&T because she has the iPhone - I'm not planning on getting an iPhone so I'm not sure if AT&T is the way to go - Hey C if you didn't have an iPhone would you still be with AT&T?

Almost BB10 time!



Anonymous said...

Obviously Jason is not a bike rider…

I hope that he is not assessing all bicyclists based on the “critical mass” incident. I don’t condone or agree with what the “critical mass” bikers did.

So 75% of bicyclists Jason has seen do NOT obey traffic laws. So are you saying that 100% of people that drive cars obey traffic laws? My guess is a large percent of drivers, including myself, break traffic laws. Speeding on the freeway, rolling through stop signs, or speeding up at yellow lights…sound familiar? Anyway my point is both groups break traffic laws.

As you’ve probably figured out, I am a bike rider. By asking cars to share the road with us we are simply saying use caution when you’re around us. When I’m on my bike my total weight counting the bike is around 170 pounds. Hmm…how much does a car weigh? All bikers realize that there’s a good chance that we will get hurt seriously or die if we get tangled up with a car.

Here are some examples where cars do not share the road with us: (1) Cars speed up, cut in front of us to turn right. Cars have literally cut me off; (2) Cars do not give us enough room when passing us. I’ve literally had cars come within inches of my pedals; (3) Throw things at us from their cars; and (4) get behind us and honk their horns. I’m sure you’d agree all smart things done by law abiding people driving their cars.

It’s a fact that cars and bikes can legally be on the road. We just need to learn to co-exist.

Crawfords said...

Jason here, and I just want to respond to Tony's comment above. I would like simply to point out that while I would not consider myself a current active bike rider, I did serve a 2 year mission where I did nothing but ride a bike everywhere I went,all day long, every single day. And as a missionary I became quite familiar with drivers cutting me off, honking, yelling, and throwing things at me. I know all too well the dangers bicyclists face when on the road. However, my post was not about law breaking drivers, it was about law breaking bicyclists. I have my own annoyances at people's driving habits, many of which Tony correctly pointed out. Perhaps my next post can be my rantings about drivers.

Colleen said...

I've heard good things about Verizon, and we have had good experiences with both T-Mobile and AT&T. i would not go back to Sprint, customer service horror stories. Just depends what phone and what services you are looking for. Are you sure you want to stay on a plan with L. It may be good for her to be responsible for submitting payment to a company for a bill and see what happens when you don't have the money to cover it!