Monday, July 21, 2008

Beauty = Pain or Pain = Beauty?

Who knew you needed to break in new slip on tennis shoes - my new red converse with white polka dots were very painful!! The backs of the shoes have no cushion and rubbed my heels and pressed in to them all day - I have bruises!! The shoes are cute - but I don't think I will be able to wear them again. :( I am not one who will suffer through pain for cute shoes.

L has made a small step - she sent me a text today asking if I could drive her to take her written test for her drivers license on Saturday morning! Wow - actually thinking ahead and making a plan- who woulda thought.

I drove in to work today and had to slam on my brakes twice! The stupid driver in front of me wasn't paying attention - twice he slammed on his brakes and swerved over to the side which left me heading straight for a stopped car. God was watching over me and my brakes worked!

Good News - I found the cord for my camera! I will be uploading my pics from a couple weekends ago and will try to get them posted tomorrow.

Time to head to bed - watch The Closer - get ready for another day!


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