Monday, July 28, 2008

Rants - Rambling

Have you been watching the news or reading the newspaper lately. What is going on with people in Seattle?

A few weeks ago an older gentleman in Seattle, who had planted flowers in the traffic circle in his neighborhood, was watering the plants - he pulled a hose across the road and put up an orange cone to block cars from driving over it - cars could still go the other way around the circle as it's not an extremely busy road. Well - a group of women in a car didn't want to drive the other way and an altercation ensued - at one point one of the girls called a friend to tell him they were being disrespected. He showed up - an argument ensued - the guy sucker punched the 60+ year old man - he fell to the ground hitting his head - he died the next day. How does this happen - how do you go from watering a garden to being a murder victim.

Yesterday a group of 100 bicyclists - called Critical Mass - were doing their monthly demonstration - they ride in a large group and block off cars to try and make a point that we should share the road. They blocked one driver from being able to pull out of a parking spot - he got nervous as he was surrounded - he nudged his car forward bumping into some of the cyclists - they in turn surrounded his car - banging on it - and ended up smashing the rear window, punching the driver through his open window, and slashing all 4 of the tires.

So what have our elected officials been doing to try and make our city a safer place - well they passed a new tax today - you now have to pay .20 per plastic/paper bag at the grocery store if you don't bring your own reusable bags with you. My-Oh-My I guess stopping people from using plastic and paper and possibly not recycling them is more important than working on ways to keep citizens safe.

OK - enough ranting for today


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Not enough room for my real thoughts. Just see my post from this morning.