Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dog Blog

Hello everyone - this is Muppet. My Mom is a little tired tonight so while she is resting I'm going to write a bit. Life around here has been interesting.

You might think a dogs life is easy - eating, sleeping, going outside for a quick break - but there's a lot more that I do. When my Mom and I go outside I have to lead her around quickly to make sure I show her the exact spot I want to be at. Sometimes I have to pace back and forth 3 or 4 times sniffing to make sure I get the spot just right. I like to quickly switch directions and see if she can keep up with me!

Last night I had to protect her. L, my sissy, was very mad at Mom - I'm not sure what she was yelling about but she scared my Mom so I laid in Mom's lap and looked at L to let her know that I was keeping my Mom safe. After L left the house Mom took me outside, but I didn't make her stay out for very long and when we went to bed I kissed her toes and snuggled up to her to let her know I was watching out for her.

Tonight is very quiet - L isn't home and Mom is resting. One of the cats that lives in the house with us isn't feeling well - she had accidents in L's bathroom and then she threw up on the rug after Mom got home. Mom fixed up some of the Niki's meds with some egg - Niki didn't want to eat it - I snuck into the kitchen and started eating eat! Mom caught me though - I gave her that "who me" look but I had egg on my face - literally! Ooops - darn long hair around my mouth!

Last Saturday Mom made me go to the groomers - she said I needed a hair cut. I thought I looked fine - see - the wind blowing through my hair - I was happenin! A Hot Pup! She told the groomer to give me a short cut for the summer. OMG! I look bald - all my beautiful locks sheared right off my body. Mom says I look like a puppy again and it took years off me. I don't know - I feel a bit naked and when the wind blows I have no hair so instead of lookin cute I'm just cold! What do you think?

Mom is watching that dancing show right now - SYTYCD. She seems to like all of the dancers that are left except for some guy who smiles too big named Thayne and his partner Comfort. I dance for Mom every night when she comes home from work - I think she likes my moves the best!

Well - I'm going to try and corral Mom into the bedroom so we can get some sleep. She looks really tired - I think the long hours last week at work and the drama with L last night have taken their toll on her.

Woof - Woof ~ Mup


Anonymous said...

Muppet didn't write this because none of the words start with in "R".

Crawfords said...

Highly creative. Very ingenious. I follow your blog pretty faithfully and I think this is one of your best posts yet. I like the fresh point of view. Consider future posts from Muppet as well as the other creatures living in your home. I know L causes a lot of drama in your life right now, but to be quite frank, I think that's what I enjoyed most about this post, that it wasn't centered around L. I know, all my posts are about my kids too. I'll have to think of more creative ways to approach my next post. Thanks for the idea!