Sunday, July 6, 2008

She's Baaaaack!

Vacation is over - L is back - and it didn't take very long for her to start back in right where she left off. She has no gas in her car - only has $10 - wants to drive to visit her friend Mikey. Not sure where Mikey lives but she was looking up addresses on Google Map and she said $10 worth of gas wouldn't get her there. So you know what happened next - she wanted to borrow more money from me - I said No that I didn't have any money - she said "Then let me have your car" - I said No - she said why - I said you don't have a license - she said it wasn't a problem before - I said it is now - and she then wanted to know who put the stick up my ass. Oh yeah - that's a good way to try to get me to change my mind!! She then says either give me money or give me your keys - those our your only 2 options. Uhh - I don't think so. I said - It's not my fault you have no gas in your car - you have no money. She then says Jenny owes her $20 bucks and can she just use my car to go to her house. No, she can walk. Why? - yup I think we already went through all this and it ended again with her wanting to know why I have a stick up my ass. I am so glad she's home!! So - not sure what her plans are but she's putting stuff in her bag and seems to be heading out. I guess now I will pick up all the crap she left strewn from the front door to her room and shove it all in her room. I have a clean house and it will be staying that way.

Oh - one of her things about borrowing money was that she gets her pay check tomorrow. I said I ahve no money to loan her but after my tenant pays me tomorrow I will! She was not happy and siad why would i bring that up when she is in the middle of saying she has no money. Hmmm.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad L's back?