Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday - Sunday - Sunday

This is the day where I always have great ideas/plans of things to do but usually end up being a couch potato! Today's plan was to straighten up my room, go grocery shopping for cat/dog food and other items, maybe hang out at Starbucks and read a book. What actually happened was I straightened up my room, found a small bag of cat food in my car so I didn't really have to go to the store, started watching a program on TLC called The New Detectives - yup ended up it was a marathon of episodes so that's what I did - sat around the house watching this show. Sunday is a day of rest!!

Well - not too much rest - Muppet has been a very bad girls today - she has peed on the carpet 3 times!!! The last time was just now right in front of me!! We just went outside 20 min ago how can she have to pee again already - and to do it right in front of my chair!! She is now locked in a small part of the kitchen. Oh - and she has a puppy pad in the kitchen but she doesn't go there to pee - nooooooo - and when I'm at work she can be in the kitchen the whole time and never go!!! Not my cute little puppy girl today.

When I got up this morning I was sitting on my bed reading the paper and eating a bowl of cereal when L's bedroom door opened - I looked up expecting to see L - but nope it was her friend Vince heading to the bathroom and then out to the deck for a morning smoke. When he was done he headed back in to L's room with my cat Buffy. I went in to the kitchen for more cereal and L came out. I was like - uhh how many people are sleeping in your room - she said just her, Vince, and Jenny. They decided to have a slumber party. Good thing I was sitting in a T-shirt and sweats when he walked out of L's room!! I am usually just in a T-shirt.

Now it's time for me to figure out what's for dinner and then get ready for Monday.


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