Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just Another Sunday

Just another Sunday - slept in - read the Sunday paper - which of course consists of the coupons, Target Ad, Rants & Raves, and the comics! L and I were going to head out to Target but she got a call from a friend before we left so she went and hung out with them and I went on to Target. Never a good thing to go to Target when you're bored and don't really have a plan! I did some shopping for our Chelan trip - got a cooler - got some travel size items - paper plates - pop.

One of my favorite movies was on Encore when I got back - Bull Durham! So I watched that - I like Kevin Costner baseball movies - Bull Durham - Field of Dreams - For The Love of The Game. Encore is having a Kevin Costner marathon and the put up there that he has been in more baseball movies than any other actor. He's good in them!

Right now Big Brother is on - I have been looking at the Big Brother blog so I already know what's happening because the live feeds are quite a few days ahead of what is actually shown on the show - but it's fun to watch anyways. There is one couple - Ollie/April - that have had sex at least 3 times according to the blog. How could you do that when there are so many other people in the house and there are cameras everywhere - knowing that anyone could be watching the live feeds and seeing you - like family!! ewwwww!!!! I so hope they get Jesse out this coming week - he is so full of himself - Jesse loves Jesse!

I discovered that my Uncle Guru Singh has some things on iTunes! How weird is that! I have subscribed to his podcasts and I am thinking about getting his album Guru Singh, Seal, and Friends. I wonder if he's met Heidi Klum!

I'm gonna go get some fresh air - Muppet has some serious gas tonight!!


69 Days til Vegas Baby!!!

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