Thursday, July 10, 2008


Wow - I think I am finally coming down from an adrenalin rush! No - I did not take drugs - I didn't drink a whole liter of coke - I didn't go bungy jumping!

I needed to take Niki to the vets and I got an appt for 550 this evening. No sweat - I drove in to work today and if I left between 450 and 500 I should be able to get home - grab the cat - and drive the 1 mile to the vet. Ah - best laid plans of mice and men (where did that saying come from by the way?) The traffic was so backed up trying to get from Pike to I5 - usually a quick 5 - 10 minute trip took 1/2 an hour! I finally get to I5 and make my way to I90 - no sweat made great time. Then everything just stopped - I think everyone decided to leave Seattle at the same time and they all wanted to drive over the I90 bridge. Being late for appointments drives me crazy - being stuck in traffic drives me nuts - having both happen gets my adrenalin going! Ah - the aforementioned Adrenalin Rush!

Niki is a mess - she's falling apart - but seems to be a very happy cat - $160 later!!! She either has an immune deficiency or she's allergic to the bacteria that lives in a cats mouth. Good Grief!! A shot of cortisone and a shot to get her insides working again so she'll quit throwing up and we were on our way home. Really - I think I should just change my direct deposit at work to start getting deposited in to the Vets Account. I would just like to have all my pets healthy at the same time! Knock on wood - Buffy hasn't gotten sick.

I was wired though - the sun was shining in the bedroom so it was too hot in there to use the energy to fold and put away clothes. Muppet would have nothing to do with going for a walk and I didn't have the heart to lock her back up in the kitchen. So what to do - what to do. I decided to do one of my favorite things - no not that!! - I decided to bake something to bring to work tomorrow. Now - we have been having a lot of sweet treats lately so I didn't want to bake cookies - I didn't have the ability to just sit still and look through cookbooks - I needed to make something I know how to make.

I made Mini Quiches! Three kinds - ham/cheese, ham/cheese/green onion, and zucchini/green onion. They look great! I figure I can nuke them when people get to work tomorrow. I hope they like them - I had fun making them! I think I'll stop and get some fruit on my way in tomorrow to go with them. Kinda like a Friday Brunch at work.

It is almost 1100 and I am finally starting to unwind. I'm heading to bed!



Crawfords said...
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Crawfords said...

Boy am I thankful for your adrenaline rush leading to quiche. It was fantastic! I always say, feel free to bake anytime. I enjoy being able to partake of your baking binges.