Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation Days 3 and 4

Sunday - OMG - think it was hot enough! It was in the mid 90s outside and got up to 89 inside. I couldn't handle another day of heat so I headed to air-conditioning! I went to Target for a bit and then to the movies. I saw Wanted w/Angelina Jolie - it was OK - not as good as I had heard it was going to be but it was entertaining - and the theater was nice and cool. Afterwards I went and hung out at Barnes and Noble - I got a book and a frozen drink at the Starbucks in the back - read and enjoyed the coolness of air-conditioning!! When I got home I just positioned fans so that I could have some air moving around me. I do not like the heat!

Monday - my last day of full vacation! The rest of the week will still be vacation from L but this is my last full day at home by myself! I decided to hang around the house. I finally decided to tackle L's room. I had gone in there on Thursday and started to pick things up - without going in to too much detail - let's just say I found a few items that a mother just doesn't need to know about. So - I went in to her room today - moved things onto her bed so I could put the trundle back under it - cleaned up garbage and dishes - vacuumed the floor. I am going to do some of the more disgusting laundry but everything else I am going to just leave for her to go through.

L did call me today - I missed it so I called her back - she was having dinner so she couldn't really talk - she was able to let me know that her step-mother Randi has not said one word to her. She is talking to everyone else and just pretends that L isn't even there - L said she passed her on the stairs and said Hi and Randi just glared at her. She said she talked to her Dad but then her phone started breaking up so she couldn't let me know what he had to say. She said she would get on-line later and IM me. That woman just really pisses me off!! She has the audacity to have her Daddy send me an email to have some christian compassion and send her money and yet she can't even be civil to L for 1 week. Aughhhhhh!!! I swear - I am not a violent person but I would really like to beat the crap out of her right now - and Alan because it seems like he's being the same person and not even sticking up for his daughter. How can you let someone treat your child like that and not do anything about it. I just don't understand.

Well -Qtr End starts tomorrow - and I get to start it of by having a little discussion with my employee about what delegation means. I heard from someone at work that Vicky was complaining about an assignment I had given her to do on 7/1 - which is the day a lot of accounts have to be downloaded form different sights - she told someone that she feels like she shouldn't have to do it because AdSpend is my job and not hers and that if I'm not going to be doing part of Google then she isn't either. Yup - been treating this girl with kid gloves and trying to give her guidance because she's young but she doesn't seem to be getting it so I guess I will be having a discussion with her tomorrow. Fun Fun Fun.


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