Monday, August 11, 2008

Twilight Saga

Wow - this is a late post. When I was on my way home I got a call from Lyd wanting to meet for dinner and a trip to Costco. We went to Cucina Cucina - I had a Chopped Salad . . . . . yummy! The service was really slooooooowwwwwww - we headed to Costco around 715. Lyd needed to do her regular monthly Costco shopping - the pros t having a garage and a second refrigerator!! I got some blueberries, Hot Pockets for L, and 2 books for me!

In my previous post I wrote about starting the Twilight series. Stephanie Meyer has a wonderful style of writing that makes you feel like you are right there - the characters become so real - I could feel the emotions of the main character - I laughed and cried when I read the first book. I started the second one today on the bus - yup - started crying on my way in and got so in to the book that I almost missed my bus stop. I want to start reading again tonight but I am afraid I won't be able to put it down and I may be up all night reading! At Costco I bought the 3rd and 4th books in the series. The story takes place in Forks, WA. There was an article in the paper a couple weeks ago that fans of the series are actually going to Forks and looking for Bella Swan's house! There is a house there that looks exactly like the house described in the book and the name out on the street . . . . . . Swan! People are having their pictures taken in front of the house. I may just have to take a trip out there one of these days. It's been along time since I have felt this way about a book - it's kinda nice - although part of me doesn't want to finish the books because it will be over then. Except . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Twilight the Movie is coming out 12.12.08!!! That is one movie I may have to take the day off of work so I can be there to see the first showing!!

Off to read!!!!!!!


I was up until 4am reading the second book New Moon!! Started and finished it in one day.

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