Saturday, June 14, 2008


AvenueQ last night was so good! It was so funny - definitely Real World combined with the Muppets - not your kids Muppets though as these ones swear, have sex, and tell it like it is! Before the musical Lyd and I went to Tap House for dinner. I had a really good Garlic Chicken Penne - along with a Hales Cream Ale which was OK - pretty light on taste but not too bad - I will probably try something else next time.

So I still don't have a computer - I am using L's right now - she's out with friends. She called me to check in and guess what - she got herself a Tattoo!! Yup - she is now has one of the Mario characters tattooed on her right wrist. She said it hurt at first but then she got used to it. She said she will wake me up when she gets home so I can see it.

I have spent most of the day on the couch - I am catching what L had - sore throat, cough, body aches, headache. Fun Fun Fun - and the luck just keeps on a comin'!


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