Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Email Discussion Part 2!

This morning when I got up a few more thoughts had come to me regarding the email I received yesterday. In the email Fred says I should do this out of kindness - that irritated me as much as the Christian concern line. Alan started his affair with Randi when L was 1 year old - she is now 18 so this whole things has been going on for 17 friggin years. In all those years never once have I been shown any kindness from Randi or her family - every time something has come up where a consolation needs to be made I have been the one that has turned the other cheek. Not once during the whole ordeal with L that started 4 years ago ( ie: issues in school - drinking - lying - going to a school in Montana to try and work things out for 2 1/2 tears) was I shown any kindness from them. I was ridiculed and raked over the coals for being a "bad Mom" - they said I was making a mountain out of a mole hill and that L was just being a typical teen. During the 17 years Randi has been with Alan she has never shown L any kindness - whenever she was brought down to visit with her Dad, Randi treated her poorly - ignored her - and made it very clear to an 8 year-old that she was not liked or wanted. Hmmmm - think this might have contributed to the issues L has now! The way L and I have been treated by Randi you would think I was the one that had an affair with her husband and left her children without a Dad and not the other way around. She new what she was getting into when she started sleeping with a married man who had a child. She knew that when they took me to court over child support and the judge ruled that all of the back support was owed that this would be with them for a long while. Did they actual think that not paying full child support was never going to come back and bite them in the ass? Asking me to show "kindness" towards Randi and her children when she has never shown any kindness towards me or L - my opinion - even the most devout Christian would have a hard time with that. So I guess the answer to Fred's request would be a resounding NO!!!!!!!

Now - that's not to say I'm not a reasonable person. If Fred, or anyone for that matter, would like to pay off Alan's debt so that the IRS will no longer forward his refunds to me and his paychecks will no longer be garnished- I will gladly accept a check. I checked on the Washington DSHS Site and the current amount due is $15,755.12. This does not include a deduction for the IRS money as that has not been received yet by the State of Washington. So if any of my readers want to contact Fred Lehmkuhl and let him know. . . . . . . . .!

Thank you for the comments on my previous post!

I am now going to go eat the baked chicken and roasted red potatoes I made for dinner! Yup - I actually cooked and I'm not having cereal for dinner!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have sooooo many good points. I wonder if anyone will pay off his debt for him. Then Randi might begin to treat you and L better...I doubt it since she has been this way for so long. Probably stuck in her ways.