Thursday, June 5, 2008

So Tired

I'm exhausted! Muppet started getting sick last night around 1130 - yup - out both ends. She had me up again at 100 - then she started to snore so bad I had to move her to the kitchen - and her own bed - so I could get some sleep. This morning when I had finished getting ready for work I headed to the kitchen to check on the Mup. Let me just say - eeeewwwwww - I had to mop the kitchen and give Mup a quick bath. I called the vet from work - he had an open minute right then to look at her so I called L and she took her there - I so appreciated that she helped out and didn't crab at me or anything. Long story short - Muppet was having a toxic reaction to her new meds - and Doc checked some other references and we had been giving Muppet twice the amount she needed! She is now off that new med - hopefully it gets out of her body fast. Dr Hougham was so nice today - I really like him - and he didn't charge us for today's visit because he wanted to make sure she was OK. When I got home tonight the kitchen and Muppet both needed to be cleaned again. She has been sick twice since I got home - she is now snoring away in my lap. Please keep her in your thoughts - I will keep you all updated.

Good news from today - Matt is giving me vacation time in October - Vegas Baby!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited!!

Night ~ De

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