Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend Update

This nice three day weekend is coming to an end. It has been so nice to just hang out all weekend and do basically nothing. Saturday I did my annual cleaning out of the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. Man that is so much fun and so very exciting! Sunday I went and did grocery shopping. I hadn't done a large trip in awhile - mostly just grabbing what I needed on a day to day basis. OMG - let me just say that grocery prices have definitely increased and L had better not eat everything in the first few days of this week. Today I did some more straightening up and then got sidetracked to the couch with an NCIS Marathon! Yup - same thing happened to me last weekend!

L and I did have some huge confrontations this weekend. The first one had to do with her not being able to find the remote for her room - she had removed the batteries from the living room remote - and wanted me to give her mine. Umm - I said no because I was in my room using it. Well she went ballistic at the word No!!! Here we were - midnight - arguing over a remote and the word No. I agree with the feedback I have gotten that L needs to move out and be on her own. Now I would like to get some help on the implementation of this. My thoughts are to give her until she gets back from the Householder family reunion to get out of the house. The reunion is over 4th of July. Am I giving her too much time? I presented this to her in the middle of our confrontation Friday night and it did not go over well. Lots of tears - Lots of stress - She can't afford to live on her own - I must hate her to make her leave the house. I was honest and told her that we just can't live together. In my head I know I need to do this - make her stand on her own. My gut gets all tied up in knots and my heart hurts thinking about her out on her own with nowhere to go. Couldn't someone else in the family tell her?!?! How about someone else taking her in? Anyone - Anyone?

I did stay up most of Friday night reading a book - haven't done that since I don't know when. The book - The Last Time I Was Me by Cathy Lamb. Very good book - Started it on the bus on Thursday and finished it Saturday morning! I am sending it down to Lindsay in Texas along with 2 other books. Hey Linds you need to share them with your Mom!

Muppet has now made it a full week with no seizures!! Yay!!


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