Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Long Day - Interesting Bus Ride

Ah - interrupted sleep last night and a very long day at work. Muppet had a seizure last night at midnight. I woke up to her falling off the bed - I jumped up and went to get her and that's when I realized she was having a seizure - she tends to fall off the bed a lot so I wasn't sure until I got over to her - she then wandered around the house for 1/2 an hour. I finally got her to calm down a little and I put back on the bed. She could not settle down and walked all over the bed for about another 1/2 hour so we got back to sleep close to 200. Today at work was my day with 2 deadlines that require a lot of running reports and creation of spreadsheets. I was there for 11 hours. When I left work I had about 7 minutes to try and get to my bus - when I got to my final cross street the sign was don't walk and my bus was already at the stop - the next one wouldn't come for another 1/2 hour and I so did not want to have to hang out - So I cross the street finally but the bus had already pulled away from the curb - the driver must have noticed my dejected look because she opened the doors - I walked quickly to climb up onto the bus - as I was getting on the light must have turned green because the driver closed the doors before I was all the way up the stairs - did I mention that I was hanging on to the handle on the door while I was climbing the stairs - when she closed the door it twisted my wrist and she started driving at the same time so I fell against part of the bus. I think maybe next time I'll just wait for the next bus!

Got home and just wanted to have a quiet early evening - not gonna happen. L informed me that her friend Panda and Disco (another raver name I believe) were on their way over. They showed up with some other guy and are just hangin in the house now - I am hangin out in my room because they are playing Wii out in the living room. They haven't gotten too loud yet - although it smells like they were trying to make toast or something because I can smell something burning - hope they don't set the condo on fire I really want a good nights sleep!

L turns 18 in 4 days - she mostly wants cash - gift cards - and a tattoo! So - do I just give her cash and if she decides to get a tattoo with it so be it - or do I go with her to get the tattoo? Any thoughts?

Hard to believe that this Mother's Day I will have been a Mom for 18 years. At times it has felt like it went by really fast and others it seems like a lifetime. L was looking at pictures on Sunday - she was such a cute baby with really soft curls and a cheesy grin like you wouldn't believe. I miss that little girl - I wish I hadn't had to work then so I could have spent more time with her - maybe things would have been different. well as they say - hindsight is 20-20 and shoulda coulda woulda won't get you anywhere.

Signing Off - Heading to Bed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it was going to be a kick out the door for her B-day...lol.... DO NOT buy her a tattoo...let her buy it on her own if she wants it....lyd
p.s. you should have acted hurt on the bus and sued he city....