Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Good and The Bad

Well - where do I start for today? Do I start with how good my morning and afternoon were or do I start with how L was able to change my mood with just a tone in her voice. Ugh. Let's start with the ugly and end with the nice!

L got home from work and started right in on the attitude and tone. I don't even know how to describe in words so that you can understand what it is she says and how she says it. You definitely need to be there. Maybe I should start recording it and then figure out how to load it on the computer! Bottom line - I just can't live with her anymore. You know how there are those people that you love dearly but you can only spend so much time with them. I don't think we will be able to get along with each other until we are no longer living with each other. Oh - and something else I need to share with you - L was in Seattle all night again wandering the streets and hanging out under I5 - before she left this evening to go hang with Blake she showed me her "germ burn" - If you're like me you're going "Huh??" Her friend Jenny and the 2 other people they hang with in Seattle have one and so they decided she needed one to - This consists of your friends all puffing on a cigarette and then placing the burning tips together on your arm for 10 seconds - you then blow off the ashes and lick it to try and stop the burning. She's so proud of it and couldn't wait to show me. I really think she needs to be out of the comfort of the home and she can hang on the Seattle streets with her friends full-time. Maybe she will then find out that it's not "fun" when you don't have anywhere else to go. Input would be appreciated! Please leave me comments!

Now the good! Today was movie day at work! The whole company got to leave work at noon and we all went and saw the new Indiana Jones movie! I thought the movie was really good. If I had to rate the whole series so far I would say Raider's was the best, then the Last Crusade , Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (the new one), and then the second one which I thought was just awful. The one today did have some - yeah right moments - but other than that it was a true Indiana Jones experience. Shia Lebouf is good in this one and I could tell that they are definitely grooming him to carry on with the enterprise.

Muppet has now gone 72 hours without a seizure. Only problem - I am like a Mom with a brand new baby ~ every time she moves, scratches, or breathes loudly during the night it wakes me up and I reach over to make sure she's not having a seizure. Man I'll be happy when she starts sleeping through the night! LOL!

OK - I'm going to watch the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and then go to bed. Oh - and if you are watching Grey's also - the scene at the beginning of the show tonight where the Chief, McDreamy, and McSteamy are standing together looking out over the view from McDreamy's property - yeah that's right - filmed right here in Issaquah up on the bald spot where the paraglider's take off from. Very Cool! I swear - I need to do some detective work and find out when they will be filming up there next so I can stake it out!


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