Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

Wow - what happened to the time - it must be that disturbance in the force that occurred on Saturday! One minute I was blogging on Saturday and the next thing I know I'm at work on a Monday! Things have not corrected themselves yet - and I think I caught L's ADD over the weekend. I started cleaning my room on Saturday and then I got distracted by a show on the discovery channel about Tuna fishing off Australia - see not only was I distracted but I was watching The Discovery Channel - that's just not normal. Then I went grocery shopping - came home - never did get back to the room! Sunday I started on it again but didn't quite get it finished - I have a lot of paper that needs to be shredded and I'm a pack rat! Luckily there is a Klahanie wide garage sale at the end of the month and I am going to try and sell my stuff! One persons junk is another persons treasures!

L went to a Rave again on Saturday and she came home Sunday at 5:30 am! At least she came home! She did bring Panda with her but at least I knew where she was. They slept until 5:00 pm - after Panda left L came and hung out in my room - I know! See another thing that points to the world being a little upside down topsy turvy! We looked through her baby book and mine and she looked through pictures! She pulled out a picture of her T-Ball team the Giants and I hear her say - OMG! - I think Blake was on this team. Blake is someone that she met this year and has been hanging out with a bit - she called him and he came over - yup it was him! Small world - they thought they had just met but in reality they have known each other since they were 7! Too Funny!

In the mail today L got another overdraft notice from her bank. She's just like - oh well - and tosses it aside - she was supposed to get paid today but says the checks weren't ready. I need her to get paid because I was not strong this past month and I loaned her some money. I know I know!! I shouldn't have done that and if I don't get paid back it's my own fault. I just hope she does pay me back. Any suggestions on how to get an almost 18 year-old to learn how to manage her money. Next month she has to start paying rent and her phone bill - things are not going to go well. Oh - do you feel that - I think things are starting to go back to the way they have always been - me stressing and worrying and L just hangin out! Now if I could just get my room clean!

Have you ever had Chik-fil-a? They don't have any here but I just discovered yesterday that McDonalds has a new Southern Style Chicken sandwich that tastes just like Chik-fil-a!! Bun - Chicken - Pickles!! Yum Yum!!

5 Days - 7 Hours - until L turns 18!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, had chick-fil-a...very you see I'm trying to catch