Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I ended up not dressing up this year for Halloween. This is the first time in awhile but I just couldn't think of a good costume. Kim looked great - she came as a Queen Bee! She had a beehive hairdoo with little bees stuck all over it - black wings with gold glitter - these hilariously huge fake gold eyelashes. It was so creative - she definitely should win one of the prizes. When I got home form work I dressed Muppet up in her bug costume and took her to our pet store to go trick or treating! She was so good and she looked so cute. Jane - pet store owner - took Muppets picture and gave her some treats. We tried giving her some dog cookies but she didn't like those - then we tried a beef stick and Muppet loved that. Jane gave us a couple to take home.

As usual I have gotten no trick or treaters at my house. No one wants to climb up 3 flights of stairs to knock on a door for candy. I still bought candy though just in case - I have learned though to get the kind that I really like because I will probably end up eating it - or bringing it in to work.

Well - I am going to head to bed so I can get an early start on chores tomorrow morning. I am determined to get L's room looking more like an office/craft room than a white trash drug den. I may have to take a trip to Target to get some Rubbermaid bins and laundry baskets.

Don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour Sunday at 2 am.


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