Last night when I got home L was not here - no big deal I was home late and she was out with friends. I go to my room and put my stuff away, change in to comfy clothes - my sweats and Hasselbeck Jersey - and head beck to the kitchen to get Muppet. As I am walking down
the hall I notice Buffy sniffing as something on the rug - I figured it was one of her many mice that are around the house - as I got closer I realized it wasn't a mouse - it was a Spider!!!!! Not just any spider but a really big Spider!! I stopped in my tracks and just stood there - no screaming just staring. I watched it for a sec - it wasn't moving - hmm maybe L killed it and just left it there because she didn't want to pick it up. I decided to move a little closer and take a better look. Now - I am wearing my contacts, I have been staring at a computer all day so my vision is a little blurry, and I am very tired. Is this real Spider?
I certainly looks real enough but I am starting to wonder if it might be fake - but how do I check? If it is real and I touch it - ewwwww I get shivers up my back just thinking about it - it could crawl up my hand - it could bite me - it could feel just plain oogy! So - I come up with an idea - not necessarily a good one but an idea - my phone charger is plugged in to the wall right next to this spider - so I grab one end of the cord and kind of drop the other end next to the spider to see if it moves - nothing - I drop it right on it - again nothing. OK - so it is either dead - playing dead - or fake. I decide to do the daring thing and actually touch this thing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Last night when I got home L was not here - no big deal I was home late and she was out with friends. I go to my room and put my stuff away, change in to comfy clothes - my sweats and Hasselbeck Jersey - and head beck to the kitchen to get Muppet. As I am walking down
OK - it looked really real so stop laughing!!
I picked up my phone and texted L - ha ha very funny! My phone rings and it is L - ha ha very funny what? - You didn't leave the fake spider on the rug as a joke - a bit o laughter and then a No! The spider is mine and I saw it on the floor when I left to go to friends but I didn't put it there to freak you out. I did think about it though! When she got home she asked where I had put it - Wouldn't You Like To Know!!
Side Note: One of the best contraptions I came up with to get spiders - I got a broom - put a red plastic cup on the end of the handle - used this to trap a spider on the ceiling over my bed and slid it across the ceiling and then down the wall - then I used a shoe to smash it when I got it to the ground. Some have asked why I didn't just knock it down off the ceiling - oh right - so it could run under my bed and then sneak up in the middle of the night to bite me!
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