Sunday, October 26, 2008

48 Hour Update

I'm blogging early for a Sunday! Today has been spent trying to dig my house out of the mess L left behind. I can't even describe the bathroom - there are no words for it - It was beyond disgusting and I haven't even been able to complete it yet. I went to her room to try and find out what was causing the horrible smell - I haven't found it yet but I am pretty sure it is coming from under the bed - I am still trying to dig my way over there.

I received 2 calls today. The first was from Kevin - on site manager - letting me know why he called last week. It was because L was trying to get in to my place. He said her and a friend asked him if they could borrow a ladder - he said no - they asked some other people and someone loaned her one - it is one of those small step ladders which I believe is still out on my balcony. He said she tried to get in through her bedroom window but wasn't able to - gee think it was because I locked her window! Same happened with the back sliding door. I told him that I have kicked her out and she is not allowed in to my unit and should not be hanging around the complex. He said if he sees her just hanging out he will have her escorted off the property.

The second call was from Alan - L's Dad - said he was just calling to check on how things were going with L. He wanted to know if there was anyway I would let her back in to the house just until she finds a place - uh no - so you don't care if she ends up in a ditch dead somewhere - I told him he sounds like L and I told him that just because she can't live here doesn't mean I don't care she knew the consequences and it was her choice- she understands that she made a mistake he then asked again if she could just stay with me - uh NO!!! - he asked what has happened to you do you just not care. I told him that if he wanted to pay for her to stay in a hotel or call his parents to see if he could talk them in to letting her stay with him that it was his prerogative. I am done being her safety net - she needs to figure this out and grow up. He then said I guess that's it and he hung up. Just love how he is trying to ride in and be the hero after not being there to deal with her for the last 17 years - I am not the witch in this story - I have put up with a lot of crap from her over the past 2 years and enough was enough. If he is so worried about her he can step up and figure out how he can fix things for her.

Do you think animals can tell when there is stress in the house? I think they can - poor little Muppet had a seizure this morning - the first one she's had since the middle of August when we were in Chelan.

I am going to go check on my dinner - I have made a beef stew using the organic vegetables I got in the Farm delivery this past week. I think I may do some baking too - my kitchen is so clean so there's lots of room in there!


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Hold strong! You're doing great so far.