Saturday, October 25, 2008

24 Hours and Counting

It has been 24 hours since I last saw L. She called last night at 1130 and wanted me to let her in so she could charge her phone - uh NO! - she asked why and I said because I am going to bed and you don't live here anymore - she hung up on me. She also threw in - I haven't found a place to stay yet. Well she must have found somewhere because she updated her Facebook page at 1030 this morning - so not only did she find a place to stay but it has the internet!

I had trouble falling asleep last night - every sound I heard I thought it was L trying to break in - every time I hear footsteps on the stairs my heart goes in to my stomach and I feel like I am going to throw up. I spoke with my friend Laura this evening - her daughter has been out of the house for a year now - going from place to place - she says the stress and stomach aches will get better.

When I got up this morning I started cleaning my kitchen - I figure get it looking spotless before I drag out all the nastiness that is in L's room. After that I went to watch Lyd in a horse show - it took longer than I had thought to get there and the show went really fast so I didn't get there until her last entry. Sweet Cheeks was in a mood and didn't want to listen to Lyd. It was fun though and good to get out of the house. It was so beautiful outside too - sunny, blue sky, warm enough not to need a jacket and cold enough you can smell the crisp fall air.

Tomorrow will be more cleaning and lots of laundry. For now I am going to head to bed - read my People Magazine - and try not to let the bumps in the night get to me.


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