Saturday, October 4, 2008

From Q3 to Vegas!

Going to work early this week and staying late worked out - the big push helped me to meet my Q3 deadlines!! Now I can head to Vegas and not worry about work!! I am sooo excited!! Colleen and Lindsay are already down there - they ran in the St George Marathon today - Lindsay beat her Mom and qualified for the Boston Marathon.

Today I have been finishing up cleaning house - laundry and dishes are all done - I like to leave a clean house when I go one vacation so that when I get home I can relax. Of course - that all depends on whether L can keep from trashing the house while I'm gone. Now it's time to pack - my flight leaves at 600 tomorrow morning. It feels weird to pack for hot weather when it is so dang cold here right now - it's raining - cold - the wind is blowing and there are some strong gusts. I think I will set the alarm on my phone tonight as well as my clock - I would hate to sleep through my flight because the power went out. Gotta love Fall in the PNW!

I am not bringing my computer with me so my blog will be quiet for a few days - I'll blog all about my trip when I get back.

Vegas Baby!!


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