Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fringe - Lost Connection

One of my new favorite shows this season is Fringe. It is written by the same people that write Lost - another one of my favorite shows. Tonight as I was watching Fringe I saw what some people like to call an Easter Egg - this is when the writers and/or directors put little surprises in their shows to see if people catch them. An example of this would be in the movie Toy Story when they had the tool box say Binford Tools as a kind of shout out to the fact that Tim Allen was the voice of Woody. In tonight's episode of Fringe the "Easter Egg" I saw was at the beginning when Olivia was going through the victims apartment and mentioned that he had purchased a plane ticket - when the camera panned down to the ticket it was for a trip on Oceanic Air!! If you are a fan of Lost then you know that Oceanic Air is the plane that crashes! Thank Goodness for the rewind on my TV - I saw it but I wasn't sure so I hit rewind and sure enough - the ticket was for Oceanic Air. Not sure why - but this made me laugh!! I like when I catch little things like that.

I'm going back to the show to see if I catch anything else!!


**Note to Mom - Brooke Burke won Dancing With The Stars!**


Anonymous said...

I thought I saw the ticket say Oceanic Air, but alas, no tivo :( So I couldn't rewind! Glad to know that someone else caught it too! I love these two shows. Wouldn't it be great if Massive Dynamic were somehow involved in Lost and the two shows became intertwined??

Anonymous said...

olivia's boss in fringe was the same guy who sent the lady to the island in lost. the one one who landed at the end of season 3 and was shot at the beginning of season 4. you know who i'm talking about? there may be something but it's more likely a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

the same man is wheeling locke around after rehab in season 4 episode "cabin fever"