Tuesday, September 30, 2008

News At 11!!

Yes - she passed her driving test. She needed an 80 to pass and got an 88 - Yay for Her!! She had trouble with what most of us had trouble with when taking are test - that darn parallel parking! Why is this on the test?!? It's not exactly something you have to do on a daily basis. If you can't do it then you just drive around until you find a spot to park in where you don't have to parallel park . . . . . Yes I have done this before!

DMV is always a fun place to visit - even on a Tuesday morning it was absolutely crowded. It opened at 830 which is when L's driving test was scheduled - we got there at 815 and there were already 20 people in line - they open and she checks in and is told to go sit in her car and wait for the tester - I think she sat there for at least 10 minutes waiting. Off they drive to take the test - she gets back with a Pass and then she has to get a number so she can get her license - by this time the DMV was packed - standing room only - the first number she pulled was 354 - they were only on 318!! L went and asked someone if she had to pull a number and they said to get one from the other machine - yup just a little confusing! So the next number she gets is 009 and they are on 006. So they call her number and we go up - pay $25 for the license - go get in another line to get her picture taken - which took another 15 minutes. Finally - we were done with the DMV! Now we get to head to the DOL (Dept of Licensing)

I was expecting the wait at the DOL to be just as bad because it is the last day of the month and I thought people would be getting their Sept Tabs - luckily the Issaquah DOL wasn't busy at all - we walked right in and were helped right away. Looks like when L had the registration changed back in June they didn't charge her the Tab Taxes which is why she didn't get a 2009 tab - not sure why they did it that way seeing as she went in at the end of June and her tabs were due the beginning of July - oh well - trying to figure out a government agency causes too much of a headache. Tabs - 54.75. L will be paying me back for all charges when she gets paid next week - too bad it's not before Vegas!

So L is a legal driver now - license - tabs - now she just needs to get the insurance - but hey 2 out of 3 is a great start!


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