Friday, September 19, 2008

Weird Day

The day started out fine - I got up - got ready - made it to the bus - got to work just in time to head to Starbucks with the group. A typical workday - feeling good because it's Friday and the week is just about over. Then - in the blink of an eye - the day just turned weird - turned bad. We had a department training/meeting scheduled for 1100 over in our other building - some of the group had already headed over and were sitting in the training room when I got there. (I'm going to use initials and not real names) C, A, and L (not my L!) were talking with R - when I came in they were joking around with R regarding a silly nickname C liked to bug R with - I don't know how long that conversation had been going on and R said he was going to quit on Monday if they didn't stop - one thing you need to know is R jokes around with everyone and dishes out a lot of crap to others in the department so sometimes it's hard to tell when he's joking and when he has had enough. Also - he is a very big man at about 6' - 6' 2" and big shoulders with a very deep loud voice. So - back to the story - I made a joking comment to the group and R turned around - face bright red - and yelled at me "I don't know why you insist on doing things that piss me off - just SHUT THE FUCK UP!" This was yelling - everyone heard. Nobody said a word. R and I are on the same peer level at work - there were managers, directors, and even a VP in the room when he did this and not one of them said anything. As upset as am over being yelled at and sworn at in the work place I am even more pissed off that the people at the higher level just sat there and didn't say a word - by not saying anything and keeping quiet they were telling everyone that it is OK to treat co-workers like this - that it's OK to yell profanity at someone. The other people in the room that are on my same level were absolutely shocked at what R said - one of them even looked over at my boss to see if he was going to do anything and he just shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the floor.

Those of my readers that know me well - know that I am not one to push things until someone gets pissed off - if I knew what I said was going to really make him mad I would have kept my mouth closed. I don't know what the other people were taking with him about before I came in - but whatever it was it did not give him the right to yell at me the way he did. I should never have to worry about being treated like that int he workplace. Part of me just wants to find another job and get out of there - but in this economy I am thankful to have a job so I guess I will just have to grit my teeth and steer clear of R.

Great - I have to walk on eggshells at home so as not to piss of L and now I have to do the same at work so as not to piss off R. I have no safe haven anymore.


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