Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lucky L

Update on Lucky L - I am calling her that because only someone with her kind of luck could have achieved the following: Last year at this time she got a job working full-time at the daycare - in February she was fired due to calling in "sick" too many times and not being reliable - 2 weeks later they bring her back on part-time - she then gets some extra hours during the summer - and as of this week she is back on full-time. No one else could have gone from being fired to having their job back in less than a year. I swear - things just always seem to fall in to place for that girl and she never seems to have to endure any type of consequence for any amount of time. Dang!

I became a Great Aunt this week - at least some people on L's Dad's Family consider me that. My brother-in-law Chris became a Grandpa on Tuesday when his oldest daughter - my niece by marriage even though I am no longer married - had a baby boy! Chris is my age and it seems so weird to think of someone from my group being a Grand Parent. The baby's name is Christopher Neil Thomas Beckitt - they are going to call him Topher. I went shopping today for a baby gift to send. Chris is a UW Husky and I found some really cute Husky Onsies - yes, this Coug actually touched and purchased some Purple and Gold. I hope they like them.

Tonight on Big Brother is an eviction night and a new HOH competition - wouldn't you know it - my TV Cable went out!! Luckily read the Blog so I can find out what happened but I was looking forward to watching it. It is so quiet around here without the TV for background noise - I may just have to go to sleep seeing as I have nothing else to do.



Anonymous said...

If you are not married into that family anymore then how can you consider yourself a great aunt. You basically are nothing to that baby boy so calling yourself his great aunt is a big fat lie!

Crawfords said...

OUCH - Looks like "anonymous" has a few pent up family issues of their own. Perhaps no one was there to hold them as a child and tell them everything was going to be alright, so now they feel entitled to rain on other families parades. I say you can be whatever you want to whomever you are close with, whether actual family relationships exist or not. Is that not the whole theory behind "Godparents"? I think you're a great aunt, Great Aunt, and I don't have to hide behind an anonymous comment to say such.

Lindsay said...

this child would be LUCKY to have diana as an aunt :-) she is the best aunt everrrrrrrr. and i would know as i have experienced her aunt-ness.

Colleen said...

I have a person in my life, who I call my Aunt (Auntie Jan) who isn't biologically my aunt or even my aunt by marriage but I have considered her my aunt since I was a baby.
Whoever anonymous is needs to come out of hiding and quit being so negative, there is enough of that in the world today. Everybody can use as many people in there lives as possible.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...ok, I'm not the bitchy anonymous that wrote that....I am called an Aunt by several of my friends kids. Aunt least when I post I always put my name in the post so that everyone knows who I am. What a BITCH!!!
Shit, I'd even call you my Aunt but I like calling you by Best Friend better...