Thursday, September 11, 2008

Full Circle Farms

At work we have the option to sign up for organic Fruits/Vegetables to be delivered to work. Full Circle Farms is who delivers the food. Putbory has been getting boxes for a couple months now and some of the things she was getting looked really good. I decided to go ahead and sign up. Well - I got my first box today! I have corn, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, golden beets, cucumber, carrots, limes, peaches, nectarines, grapes, and pluots. It's all organic and most of it is grown here in Washington. In case you're wondering - Pluots are a cross between plums and apricots. They are really sweet and taste mostly like plum. Golden Beets - according to Google - are a little sweeter than regular beets. I had to Google a recipe because I have no idea what to do with them. I will let you know how they taste. The process for getting your box is that you have from Friday at noon until Sunday before your delivery to look on the website and see what is scheduled to come in your box. You can make up to 5 substitutions so you can get rid of anything that you really aren't going to eat. I decided to go ahead and keep the Golden Beets because I decided it was a chance to be a little adventurous and try something i wouldn't normally buy in the store - in fact I'm not even sure I've ever seen Golden Beets in my grocery store.

I have been surfing the web tonight looking for Cooking Classes in my area. It's something I've thought about doing for awhile now - so time to stop thinking and start doing. I have found about 4 places in the Seattle area and 1 place in Kirkland that I am going to look into. I am tired of not having anything planned on the weekends. I am also going to take Muppet to an off-leash dog park - give her a chance to run around and not have to worry about the psycho neighbors downstairs. Not to mention - I heard that dog parks are one of the best places in the Seattle area to meet people!! We shall see!!


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