Wednesday, January 14, 2009

She's Getting On With Life

No news on L's car and her belongings - BJ's prediction is that L will get a call at about 300 Sunday morning saying her car has been found. We'll see - I think it's gone forever. L found a car on craigslist for $750 - she has the money that her grandparents had been holding out of her paychecks. The person who is selling it is coming by tonight to show it to L - and I'm pretty sure she's going to buy it. She is so not her mother's daughter - I'd be asking everyone I know whether they thought this was a good deal - have someone else look at it with me - stressing out. She is just - I need a car and I need it now - I have the money and I'm going to spend it. She doesn't think ahead and worry about the fact that she now will only have $100 until 2/5 when she gets paid again. These next few weeks with her living here could be rather interesting. Here's a pic of the car she is most likely getting tonight.
The next step is for her to find a place to live. With her bank account on empty she is probably going to be here at least until Feb 5th - I hope we don't kill each other! So far so good - L seems to be really trying to make this work - probably because she knows I have no problem with kicking her out.

Have I mentioned that Niki seems to be going through a second kittenhood! Losing all her teeth seems to have re energized her - she runs around - plays with toys - wrestles with Buffy - climbs all over the counters - She is a changed cat.

Last night my routine was all messed up - I forgot to give Muppet her meds. I realized this at midnight when I woke up to find Muppet sitting at my head and staring at me. I picked her up to carry her to the kitchen and I could feel the seizure coming on - she was just all quivery under her skin and she was still staring off into space. I got to the kitchen and got her pills in her "cookies" and placed it by her nose - no reaction just a blank stare (kinda like when I am trying to talk to L about something I think is important!) She kinda snapped out of it and started to stick her tongue out so I broke the "cookie " into smaller pieces and was able to get her to eat them. The quivering subsided and she seemed to come back to earth with no problem - and no big seizure. I think she knew it was coming on and that's why she tried to wake me up - I was joking around the other day at work with Rick that I needed to get Muppet one of those dogs that can tell when a seizure is coming on so they could let me know - it looks like I might already have one.


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