Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What's Been Going On

I am tired. Not physically but mentally. I have been churning over in my head everything that has been going on and trying to come up with solutions. I was reminded yesterday that I need to ask for help and not try to take everything on by myself. I am feeling the weight of any decision that I might make. I think that is what is wearing me down. If I set rules that she ends up breaking and I set the consequences to be that she needs to move out at 18 am I going to be able to follow through on it. I worry about her being on her own - being on the streets - possible turning back to old bad friends. But if I let her stay and continue on the way she has been then am I enabling that behavior and making it impossible for her to change. Do I arrange for another family member to take her at 18 if she won't follow my rules - at least she wouldn't be out on the streets. Ahhhhhh!! See - doesn't even just reading this make your brain tired!

In other news!

Niki, L's cat, was sick last week and I took her to the vets Friday. $200 and 4 different medications later I think she is starting to get better! Have you ever tried to give a cat a pill! I have to give her a pill, a liquid antibiotic, and put drops in her ears twice a day! I have finally figured out that I need to wrap her in a towel to keep her legs from flailing around. She looks like a kitty burrito with a little black head poking out at one end. She is getting better at it though and she must know that I am the one helping her to feel better because she has been sleeping with me and coming up to me at night to just be laying right near me. Muppets not thrilled about this! She is a very jealous dog. It was funny on Sunday - I was on the couch and Niki crawled in to my lap and I was petting her and Muppet was on the floor looking very sad - the phone rang so I got up to answer it - when I got back to the couch Muppet jumped up really fast and crawled in to my lap and then just stared at Niki!! Too Funny!! Buffy has been taking care of Niki. After I give her the meds Buffy will come running over and start licking Niki and comforting her. Very sweet.

I walked with Muppet on Monday. Tuckered her out - she crashed Monday night!

I finally folded all my laundry last night and hung up my clothes! My room looks so much bigger!!

If you notice the time stamp on this blog - yes I am actually getting to work on time!! And - I have ridden the bus twice this week! I drove yesterday because I had an appointment at 5:00 back on the eastside. I am getting caught up on some reading while on the bus. Just got the new Jodi Piccoult book - very good so far. Lindsay gets it when I am done and then it gets passed on to Colleen.

I am looking forward to Friday! Lydia and I are going to go see the musical Mamma Mia!! Girls Night!!

Back to work!!


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

i want to read that book lol!