Sunday, March 16, 2008

Recovery. . . . Slow

I have been recovering this weekend from everything that went on over the past 2 weeks.  Things seemed to be calming down for awhile.  She was coming in at a fairly decent hour, calling me on her breaks just to talk.  The guy from a couple weekends ago has gone to rehab in Yakima for 3 - 4 weeks.  She is back to hanging around with her other friends.  The cranky teenage is coming back though.  You know the one I'm talking about - the everything revolves around me, snotty attitude, foul mouth, girls who storms in and out of the house.  I think this is typical teen behavior but with her it is kinda hard to tell.  

I am totally exhausted.  I think it is all starting to catch up with me.  I haven't gotten off the couch hardly at all this weekend.  Me and Muppet just hanging out. I caught up on some of my shows on DVR.   I did do some dishes today and cleaned the dining room.  Trying to make the house not feel so claustrophobic.  She has been out with Megan all day so it's been quiet - except for when she just came storming in looking for paint rollers and starting swearing because she couldn't find any - i told her where things were and when it wasn't exactly what she was looking for she sweared some more and headed back out of the house. this typical teen behavior?  I have a hard time determining if I am blowing things out of proportion or if she is really acting out of control.  I doubt myself and whether or not I am doing the right thing.  The last time I pushed the rules of the house she went on her 5 day Ecstasy binge.  Do I let that stop me from having rules and just let her run the house.  I am really confused right now.  Lately I just want to curl up under the covers and ignore it all.  

I am taking it one day at a time.  I am now going to finish cleaning the kitchen, wash my face, and head to the grocery store.  Maybe I will make some comfort food for dinner tonight. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uniquely interesting blog you have; a good read.

As one who hates injustice, I want to offer my two cents on this particular post.

Is that kind of behavior normal? Yes and no. Sadly, it seems to be common teen behavior these days.

It doesn't have to be. I'm 23, I've been married and divorced, I have my own business -- all this to say I'm an adult, and I still wouldn't dare let my parents hear me swear, or give them an attitude.

You should enforce the rules of the house. You seem to be a good and caring mother, you certainly don't deserve this treatment.

I don't think you're blowing things out of proportion at all. Teen angst is one thing, but honestly.

I'll step off my soapbox now. If you'd ever like to chat, my email address is on my profile...