Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Spring!!

Yay - it's Spring!

Have you ever wondered how the birds know when it is Spring? Do they have a calendar! Or do they just somehow know it's the first day of Spring? The reason I ask is that this morning when I took Muppet outside I could hear the birds singing in the trees. Now, they weren't doing that yesterday - as it was still winter - but they were this morning - the first morning of Spring. How did they know?!?

It was so nice and so relaxing to just stand outside, close my eyes, take in a big breath of the fresh air, and hear the birds. It definitely felt like Spring! I really enjoy this time of year and it is times like this that make me glad I live in Washington. We get to have 4 distinctive seasons. I don't think I would be happy where it is sunny all the time - I wouldn't appreciate the spring/summer as much as it would all be the same. Winter is the darkness and Spring is like the light at the end of the tunnel - when it gets here you feel rejuvenated and hopeful that things can only get better from here.

Have a great day!


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