Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Buried Under Paper!!

It's Tuesday and I am finally coming out of the brain fog I have been in since last week at this time. I can't believe it's only been a week since all of this started going down.

Changes with L since last week:
  • She is keeping her bedroom door open
  • She is calling me during her breaks at work just to talk
  • She has been home at night
  • She has been hanging with good friends
  • We have not had any screaming, yelling, or door slamming since last Wednesday.

Knock on wood now!!

I still want my hour back though! Day 2 of working since the lost hour and yet again I have woken up late and ended up driving in to work. I get here by 9 - which is OK meaning I'm not "late" - I work through lunch and I can get off by 5. I prefer getting in before 8 and getting to leave by 4. Most everyone gets in between 830 and 900 so if I get here by 800 I get a 1/2 an hour of peaceful quiet before the day really kicks in. Also - gas has jumped to 3.60/gal so driving in to work is costing an arm and a leg not counting the $15/day to park. Definitely need to get back to riding on that bus. Step 1 - wake up on time.

I'm writing this blog on a break from work today - I found I didn't have much time to write last night so thought I would try to add a bit during a break here at work. Also - not exactly motivated to work today - I am not totally out of the brain fog! A little overwhelmed too - My desk is a disaster area. There are so many piles of paper - checks to be signed - receipts to be matched up - checks to be cut. So far though - when someone has come by looking for someone I have been able to put my hands on it. I think it just the huge piles that are overwhelming that my brain is shutting down. Have you ever had this happen? It is happening a bit at home too. I have boxes of papers and junk that need to be gone through. When it was just one box it wasn't so bad but now I have 4 - 5 boxes and just looking at them makes my brain stop and I have the urge to just shove them in the closet and move on to something else.

Maybe I should take a picture of each room - post it - and then post the after picture once I get it all straightened up. I can break it down to one room at a time. Only problem - when I have done that before everything tends to get moved to one room and then that one room is a disaster area!

Any helpful solutions would be appreciated.

Back to work -


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