Monday, February 2, 2009

Facebook High School

I am 44 years old and yet there are still times when I swear I feel like I am back in High School. All the same insecurities - wondering what it is that I did to make someone not like me - trying too hard to get people to like me - questioning my worth and value - being envious of what other people have - feeling the need to compete. Facebook has done this to me. It is just like high school - there are the same clicks. I have run in to people that will go ahead and "friend" me but then won't talk to me. This gets me wondering what did I do - what could have possibly happened 27 years ago that would still have someone so upset that they don't want to talk. Especially seeing as I have no idea what it was - at our age don't you think you should be able to come out and say what it is that has pissed you off for so long. Then again - at my age you would think I would be able to just let it flow off me like water off a duck's back. I have no idea why I let these things get to me. For 27 years I have let these people get to me - let their actions dictate my self-esteem - let them have the power. I just wish that we could get past the perceived slights from high school and reconnect as adults.


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