Monday, February 16, 2009


Today is going to be a very weird day at work. This is the first day without Matt. I have never been with a company where there were layoffs like this. It makes it even harder when you don't understand how they came to the decisions as to who should stay and who should go. Matt was such an integral part of our department and I think we are going to be feeling this loss for months to come. I know I relied on him for quite a few things - and as usually happens with departures like this - I think the people who made the decision are going to realize just how much he contributed to the success of the department now that he's gone. I like having a job though so I will just keep my head down and get my work done.

The weekend with L didn't produce any drama - it just has me confused as to what is really going on. She came back to the house on Saturday afternoon - bringing me a rose for Valentines Day. She tried to be all friendly as if nothing was going on. I asked her why she hadn't come home on Thursday for the meeting she set up and I got the usual excuses - her and Kelley got lost - oh her phone died and the charger was at Justin's. I told her I was tired of that excuse - didn't anyone else have a phone. And if her phone was dead - why was she getting text messages while she was talking to me - hmmmmmm?!? I asked her what she had been doing about getting a job - her and Kelley had been applying at places. I asked her if she had the money to pay me - oh yeah she said, I just don't know where my checkbook is - it's out on the couch I told her - gee she left the house without paying me, which is fine because I knew she didn't have enough in her checking account to cover it and I didn't want a bounced check running through my account. She did clean her room while she was home - and I told her that she was going to be expected to do more chores around the house seeing as she was out of work. She headed out to Justin's around 6 or so and that was the end of any contact until I received a text last night around 10 letting me know that she was staying over at Kelley's and would be home some time today to finish doing chores. Yeah right - I'm holding my breath.

So here are the questions -
  • Is she just playing me again, wanting to have a place to dump her clothes and shower so she can spend her days out running around with friends with no responsibilities and/or obligations?
  • Does she have any intention of getting another job?
  • When I go to Dallas in 3 1/2 weeks will I come back to a trashed home?
  • Should I add the additional lock to the door so that when I am out of town she won't be able to get in to the house?
  • Does she need to leave again?

I am thinking that she should have to leave until she can pay me back and get herself back on track. How do I do it? She certainly must have somewhere she can stay seeing as she hasn't slept in the condo for over a week.

I am so confused!!



Anonymous said...

You're putting way too much thought into this. Basically, you need to tell L she needs to be out of your house by X date. On that date change the locks. L needs to worry about getting a job, finding a place to live and paying her bills.

Anonymous said...

To answer your question...Yes...she's playing you again. I'd change the locks before you come to Dallas and tell L she needs to find a place to stay while you're in Dallas. Then you won't have to worry about her trashing your place.

Colleen said...

I know its hard, but definitely don't let her stay there while your down here. Change the locks!

Crawfords said...

I agree with Tony and Colleen. No way can she stay in your house while you're gone. You know what happened last time in this situation. You certainly don't want more trouble w/ the Association. If you leave and L's in the house, I can guarantee there will be a party (if not multiple), and I'd bet that at some point the Association would be called, and perhaps even the police. L hasn't earned back the trust yet and so deserves no leniency in this matter. I wouldn't even be too worried about her since she's practically not staying there as it is. Clearly she has other options. Make her use them. It'll ruin your entire vacation if you have to stress about what's going on at your house. It's just not worth the stress.