Monday, February 9, 2009

Snow Again

I woke up to snow this morning! What The Hell!! Last week we had spring like weather - 55/60 degree days - yesterday was a nice sunny day - nothing in the news about the possibility of snow. My alarm went off - I hit snooze - and was listening to the news on the TV when I heard them say that the Bellevue School district was one 1 hour delay and the Issaquah Schools were on a 2 hour delay. Dang - I had hoped we were done with that cold white stuff.

Got home tonight to a quiet house - I have no idea where the unemployed 18 year-old is - I'm sure she's not out looking for a job. She probably spent the day driving around and hanging with friends - not worrying about how she's going to pay for that gas she's using - the phone she has - or the insurance on her car. I think her second car is still sitting at the Shell Station waiting for her to go get the keys and to try and sell it. Oh yeah - probably hasn't thought of that either - takes planning and actual work to try and sell a car.

Time for sleep.


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