Thursday, February 26, 2009


Last night I had to give some thought to this blog and decide whether or not I was going to keep writing. Yesterday I received a call from L because she had found this website and had read something that hurt her feelings - it had to do with her getting a job and not saving money. I told her that I was sorry it hurt her feelings - these are my thoughts though and I like this outlet to be able to share frustration, anger, disappointment, happiness, my weirdness sometimes, and just day to day things going on in my life. She said she just wanted to call and let me know it hurt her feelings that I had written that she wasn't capable of saving money - I asked her if she had saved money - she said No, but just because I haven't done it doesn't mean I'm not capable! I told her to prove me wrong then. SO I thought about this last night and have decided that I am going to continue writing and I hope that my followers will continue to read.

This morning I woke up - heard a very bad 4-Letter word on the news - SNOW!! Not again! I got up and looked out the window - hmmm - no snow here - it must just be in that convergence zone. I got busy getting read for work - hair, clothes, face takes about 45 minutes - turned off the TV grabbed Muppet and headed out to the living room to put on shoes and take her outside. Opened the front door - she ran out - I looked about - WTH! There was snow on the ground and coming down from the sky pretty heavy! Wow - things sure can change in 45 minutes! It was the kinda snow that sticks to your hair and clothes but doesn't melt - Muppet is in real need of a hair cut so the snow had lots of fur to cling to - she was looking pretty darn cute with snow all over her face! I got her back inside the house - got her all set up in the kitchen - packed my lunch (Leftover Chicken Taco from last night :) ) and set out to the park and ride. It had now been snowing for about 25 minutes and I was trying to go catch the 638 bus. Driving in this snow was like driving in a blizzard - it was coming down fast, thick, and the flakes were big - You know how it is - the flakes look like they are coming straight at you - it's mesmerizing. I got to the Park and Ride at 640 and there was a huge line of people - No Buses had come by yet!! None!! It hod only just started snowing up on the plateau less than an hour ago. I figured if the bus couldn't get there I wasn't going to try driving - I would just wait it out and hope a bus came soon. I waited . . . . .waited . . . . . . . and waited. People gradually left to either go home or drive to work - which meant that I moved up in the line! A bus finally showed up at 730! With all the people that had left I was able to get a seat on the bus - we were packed in there like sardines! It didn't take very long to get in to Seattle and our bus driver had no idea why no other bus had shown up - he was surprised to hear he was the first bus to some through. Have I said yet that I am so over the snow . . . . I have had more than enough this year . . . . . I am ready to start getting some Spring weather. I am so glad I am heading down to Texas in 2 weeks - let's hope that they don't have a sudden cold snap when I get down there. It was going to be in the mid to upper 80's today!

I have been listening to the radiothon the past 2 days. This is the One Big Kiss for Children's that Jackie and Bender on Kiss 106.1 do every year. This is the 8th radiothon they have done. The stories that they share are just amazing - Jonathon's Story is my favorite - they are happy, sad, and some are heartbreaking. The most inspiring moment this year was when 8 year old Eric came in to donate money he had been raising to help Brain Tumor Research - his best Friend Kyle was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 4 - when Eric was in 1st grade he decided he wanted to raise money so he wrote a letter and showed it to people. Eric - one 8 year old boy - came to the hospital yesterday and brought with him a check in the amount of $21, 215.81!!! His friend Kyle passed away from his brain tumor on Feb 7, 2009 at the age of 8. The money that Eric raised will go directly to the research lab and hopefully one day no more kids will lose their battle with this disease. What Jackie and Bender do every year is absolutely amazing. I have been a Kiss Club Member for 5 years now - You join the club and have $20 or more charged to your credit card each month - when you think about it that's only $5 a week, less than $1 a day . The radiothon started yesterday at 500 in the morning and is ended tonight at 700 - I am listening to the radio right now to find out how much they raised. There is a song they have been playing over these 2 days that just sums everything up - If You're Out There by John Legend - you really need to listen to it. If I knew how to embed it in this blog I would do it! OK - Grand Total Time . . . . . . . . . . . . drum roll please . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $902,151.80!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Yeah for continuing the blog. I for one will keep reading. I almost died yesterday when I had no update. I didn't know what to do w/ myself.