Thursday, February 19, 2009

Can You Use The Automated Machine

Tuesday I went to the Post Office to mail off some packages to my nieces Lindsay and Krystina - this is a tradition I started when Lindsay first went off to college. I know what it's like to be away at college and not getting a whole lot of mail - when you get a box it is very exciting and I like to send care packages. I include food items, candy, things I have found while out shopping - my favorite place is the Target Dollar Aisle - they actually have a lot of fun things there.

When I go to the Post Office I like to use the automated station - saves time and I don't have to talk to anyone - get in get out! No such luck on Tuesday! It's not that the Automated Stations weren't working or that there was a long line - it was because the elderly lady in front of me had absolutely no idea how to use the Automated machine!! She had passed the part where you choose whether your sending a letter, large envelope, or a package - oh and in case you have never used one of these it is all touch screen with pictures and words to make it easy to use! She had chosen package - even though what she was sending was a large envelope. She had touched the screen to say she was using her own packaging and not a flat rate box from the post office - seeing as it was her own package, she needed to put in the measurements (L-W-H). This is where she got stumped! The back part of the station - just behind the flat scale - has big rulers attached to the frame for L-W-H. The touch screen plays a video for you showing you that you need to slide your package off the scale - move it in to the corner where the rulers meet - look at the measurements - enter them on the touch screen. She just couldn't grasp it - she watched the video a couple times - I finally went up to her to see if I could help but she had given up and just entered any old numbers! Now - if she had chosen Large Envelope at the first screen like she was supposed to she never would have had to enter measurements. This got me thinking - I think they should have rules for Automated Machines - Rule 1 - If you are not part of the computer generation, you must go to the counter. Rule 2 - If you have never used a touch screen computer, you must go to the counter. Rule 3 - If you can't follow simple directions in words, pictures, and video you must go to the counter. These rules should also be for the self check out lines at the grocery store - but that is for another blog!

Quick L Update - she is out of money, low on gas, and no job in sight. She also thinks she is too good to work fast food! I told her that in these economic times you take whatever job you can find. She is not "too good" for fast food - I worked fast food, her Dad worked fast food, her Auntie Colleen, Uncle Tony, Aunt Gerri, and Uncle Chris all worked in fast food at one time or another. I told her tonight that there is going to be a deadline for how long she can stay with me - it is not going to be indefinitely , I am not waiting around for her to get a job and save money - which we all know she is just not capable of doing - I told her I would think on it a bit tonight and let her know how long she had but that as of right now I was leaning towards 3 weeks when I head to Texas.

Tomorrow is Friday - Yay! Tomorrow night is a company gathering - theme is red so I made a necklace tonight to wear. Hopefully it will be fun - although it feels a little weird to be having a party when we have just laid off a group of people - which is why this party was moved from Christmas to now.

Heading to bed ~



Lindsay said...

thanks for my box!!!!

Unknown said...

I love care packages!! Thanks! :)