Friday, February 27, 2009

Surpised or Not Surprised . . . That Is The Question

Yay Weekend! I know I only worked three days this past week but I am so glad it's the weekend. I need the 2 days to to get myself ready for month end next week. I went out with a few people for a beer after work - needed to just breathe - and try to relieve some of my frustration. Lord - grant me patience.

L called me to day to let me know that her tax refund had been deposited in her account so she could pay me back - she said she was going to come home in a bit - take a shower - and she would leave me a check. I asked her if she knew how much it needed to be - No - I told her it was $417 for towing, ticket, and gas. She started to disagree with me - she didn't remember anything about a ticket - thankfully I have a great memory so I reminded her which kinda just ticked her off. I got home after work and of course there was no check - Surprise! I tried calling her and she didn't answer so I texted her - no answer. She called me back about 15 min later and I asked her where my check was - Oh, her and Kelley got busy running errands and she never made it home but that she would pay me tomorrow night when she got home. I let her know that if she didn't pay me or if the check bounces she is out of the house. Yeah, Yeah. Her and Kelley were running errands to prepare for their road trip tomorrow - they are heading to Walla Walla to visit their friend Mikey who is serving an 11 year sentence for attempted burglary and assault - he stabbed a man in the back for his iPod.

Right now I am watching Curling on TV - US Olympic Trials! I actually find it interesting to watch - I don't quite understand all the rules and logistics to the game but I enjoy it.

Muppet is getting a much needed haircut on Sunday - I will post before and after pictures!

Have a good weekend!


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