Thursday, December 25, 2008

Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house
not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. . . . . . Well - some creatures were stirring - Muppet, Tugboat, and Annie are all awake and so are Mom and Dad.

The stockings were filled and full of surprises
There were packages and boxes in all different sizes

L is still snuggled deep in her bed
With visions of . . . . . . i don't know what she has visions of . . . . . . dancing in her head. . . . . What is a Sugarplum?

Nana and Papa are awake from their winter sleep
The coffee is brewing and the snow is still deep

From the kitchen there arose such a clatter
I turned my head to look and see what was the matter

Nana was moving about and preparing the food
Getting Christmas breakfast ready which is always so good

OK - I think that's where my creativity has ended this morning. I have run out of rhyming words!!

It is really nice and peaceful this morning - just me, Mom and Dad. It's amazing how much noise, stress, and tension one 18 year old can cause. I hope she wakes up in a better mood this morning.

Merry Christmas To All and To All a Good Morning!!!


1 comment:

putbory said...

I am impressed with your poem. I wish I were that creative, but nooo, I had to be an accountant. Hahah. :) Merry Christmas! Glad you made it out of the house! It's snowing AGAIN here in Mill Creek :(