Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Good Morning!

I was just too tired last night to blog. It was cold when I got home - I was tired - so I crawled underneath my big comfy blankets - turned on Big Bang Theory - and went to sleep. Month end is just about over so I should be getting back on a regular schedule.

Yesterday afternoon I did get an interesting call from L's Bama. She called and wanted to know what L had told me about the tattoo she got. I let her know that L had dropped by the house briefly on Sunday to show it to me - that it only cost her $80 - and that's about all I knew. She told me that when L got home on Sunday she told them that it had been a Christmas gift from her friend Kellie. Bama told me that one of the few rules they had was that L could not lie to them - that she needed to let them know what was going on. Not sure what happened last night when she got home. L definitely inherited the "I'm going to tell you what I think you want to hear" gene from her Dad. My hope is that one of these days she grows up and realizes that not telling the truth just gets her in more trouble. Bama also told me that L has to be out of their house by the first week in January and that she doesn't think L has done anything about finding a place. I reinforced to her that L is not coming back to my house. I just can't do it again.

On Sunday I was chatting online with my sister - she asked me if I had put up the Christmas Tree yet. Uh no! I haven't put a tree up in my house since L went to Montana - so hmmmm about 4 years. Colleen says I need to decorate because it will put me in a holiday mood. I need to figure out a way to get motivated to decorate without thinking about the dragging the boxes out from storage - hauling them up the 3 flights of stairs - then the taking everything down and hauling it back to storage after the holiday is over. Man - I sound like a Grinch. Also - I'm the only person in the house - it just doesn't seem as much fun to decorate the house when I'm the only one who will see it. Maybe I will put up some lights and some small decorations but no tree. Colleen - will that count as decorating?



Crawfords said...

Let me be the first to say that your sister is right, you should listen to her. However, instead of hauling your big 'ol tree out of storage, you should just go buy a miniature tree. That'll solve all your problems. Well, maybe not all your problems, but it will at least count as putting up a tree, and the best part is you can just toss it back in the box up in the top of your closet for next year. No storage, no stairs, all the Christmas spirit you could want. I'd seriously consider it. We put our little one up in the boy's room and they love it.

Lindsay said...

Yeah De -- you are always supposed to listen to what C says :-). I agree with Crawfords, a small tree could be the solution and that way you can put it up a little higher and Muppet won't mess with it :-)