Thursday, September 30, 2010

Itsy Bitsy . . . . .

Is it just my imagination or are there a lot more spiders this fall than usual - I had thought that because we had such a cold winter there wouldn't be as many spiders . . . wrong!!  SPIDERS!!!  They are everywhere!  The stairwell at the condo is like spider central - you walk up or down looking side to side to keep an eye out for them.  They are on the walls - the ceiling - the railings . . ewwww -::shudder::  You would think we were setting up a haunted house! 

Last weekend when I was walking around the complex with Chrissy I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye - I turned . . . . . hanging between a tree and some bushes was a huge spider web with an very large spider right in the middle of it!  I'm not kidding . . . . . it's body was the size of a quarter . . . . yes I'm sure . . . . . . no I'm not exaggerating . . . . . it was freakin' huge!!  It was one of those one that has a really thick round body - a teeny tiny head - thick furry legs . . .ewwwww  ::shudder::  On Sunday morning we happened to walk by there again - web still there - no spider!!  Oh great!!  Where the hell did it go!!  I was not waiting around to find out - we headed in a different direction.

Tonight I stopped at the mailboxes on my way home - it was dark because I left work at 730 (Qtr End!!)  I got out of the car and headed to my mailbox when I saw movement out of the side of my eye - right in front of the car in the light from the headlights - Yes . . . it was a SPIDER . . skittering along the driveway in front of my car. . . it wasn't as large as the one hanging from the trees . . but it was really fast!  I got the mail - stopped at the sidewalk to see if I could see it - quickly got in my car. 

Later I had to take Chrissy outside and as we were walking I just couldn't stop thinking about what was creeping along in the shadows - hanging from the trees - draped across the eaves.  Yeah . . we didn't stay out there very long! 


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