Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog World

I found a new site by pure chance - did you know there is an Expo completely dedicated to Blogging - it will be in Vegas in a few weeks.  Who knew!!  This website has some pretty interesting stories about how to blog, issues bloggers have dealt with, and how to improve your followers experiences. 

I read an article on the site yesterday entitled Is Your Blog a Drunken Sorority Sister? I learned a few things that I have done wrong and got a few good ideas.  One thing - and I should have remembered this from previous situations - Never post anything when you are extremely emotional.  Type it up but don't post - wait until you have calmed down - reread it - make some changes and then post.  Yeah - I haven't always done that.  Probably could have avoided some issues at work if I had reread some posts before actually hitting publish. 

Another point they brought up was how to respond to comments - If you get defensive about a comment it could be because you’re unable to take the criticism and grow as a blogger.  I want to be able to grow as a blogger so please feel free to leave comments - anonymous ones are OK.  One thing I haven't figured out about comments though is - should I respond to comments in the comment section or should I post a blog to respond.  How would you like to see them? 

So I am going to work on my style - try to come up with different topics to write about other than what I did that day (although as drama happens I will definitely write about it) - and take comments to heart and grow as a writer.


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