Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Think I Forgot Something . . .

Not even sure what to write about tonight.  I'm not supposed to write about work anymore - even though I never mentioned where I worked or who I was writing about - it seems to have caused some issues at my job.  So - there goes a good portion of my day that I can't really share anymore.  It's frustrating not to be able to get my frustrations down and out of my head.  Hopefully they don't build up and explode!  I will just have to find another outlet for them I guess.

Ever since my birthday last week my forgetfulness has gotten a little more pronounced!  Just little things here and there but rather annoying!
  • Went to the Mariner's Game with Lyd last Sunday and while we were running some errands before hand I realized I had left the house without putting on my . . . . . . . . . . . .face!!  OMG! No Makeup!  We had to run by a Walgreens so I could purchase some and get a face put together before the game!  I am going to end up being that old lady that shows up at the grocery store in pajamas or no pants!
  • Tonight while I was waiting for L to get off work I was eating a dipped cone I had gotten in the drive-thru.  I was reading Twitter on my phone - crunching the edges of the cone - popped the rest of the cone in my mouth.  Dang - a little on the chewy side - WTH!  I had forgotten to take off the paper that is at the bottom of the cone!
  • I have an image in my head of myself making a bet with someone in regards to college football.  I keep going over it and for the life of me I can't figure out if I dreamed it or if I really made the bet.  I can't ask the person because I can't remember the face!  I hope it was a dream and that someone isn't going to come up to me and say "Hey, you owe me!!"  I won't say what the bet was or for how much on here - then I will be able to decipher whether someone is pulling my leg or if I really made the bet with them.
There may be some drama to report on tomorrow in regards to L, E, and/or life!   Ooohh . . . . a blog with a cliff hanger . . . . . . come back tomorrow!


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